Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Business, Law, and Education

International Journal of Business, Law, and Education; is a reputable journal that publishes reputable articles. The International Journal of Business, Law, and Education has a good intention to publish research, both secondary and primary data, with a clear and adequate research paradigm.
We invite researchers and experts to publish their best work, which is more substantial for the sake of life. With reliable and robust research methods. We believe you will do work on your writing to contribute to civilization
We support the International Journal of Business, Law, and Education's publishing facilities, Grammarly premium readability checks, and Turnitin plagiarism checks. The International Journal of Business, Law, and Education values papers of high quality and significance. The International Journal of Business, Law and Education disseminates information on Business, Law, and Education that is beneficial to academics, educators, researchers, managers, practitioners, policymakers, consumers, and other global stakeholders.
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