The Relationship of Attitude and Physical Activity Barriers in Kids' Athletic Learning in Bandung City
Physical Activities, Barriers, Attitude, Kids Athletics.Abstract
This research aims to determine the relationship between attitudes and physical activity barriers in children's athletic learning. The research method uses a quantitative descriptive method with a correlational approach. The sample for this research is 35 students of SDN 197 Karang Taruna, 35 MIS Baitur Rahim, and 25 students of SDS YWKA Bandung City, with a total sample size of 95 people. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. The instrument used in this research is the Physical Activity Barriers Quiz, which consists of 20 statements representing seven indicators, namely lack of time, social influence, lack of energy, lack of willpower, fear of injury, lack of skills, and lack of resources, to measure Sports Attitudes are taken from the opinion of Schiffman & Kanuk, dividing responses that express attitudes or attitudes through three factors, namely affective, conative and cognitive. For kids' athletics, we use the Kids' Athletics Guidelines. The research results show a relationship between Physical Activities Barriers and sports attitudes in children's athletic learning. The novelty of this research is that it provides information that attitudes and physical activity habits are related to children's athletic learning.
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