Call Paper 2024
"PERFECT EDUCATION FAIRY is a multidisciplinary journal with a special focus and dedication to the field of social culture. With ISSN 3024-8183, this journal strives to have a high reputation in the academic world and has become a significant contributor in the dissemination of knowledge and understanding in various social and cultural disciplines .The authors who contribute to this journal come from leading academics and researchers from all over the world, who present in-depth insights in their respective fields.
With a strict selection process and reviews by experts in various fields, the PERFECT EDUCATION FAIRY journal ensures that every article published is original work and of high quality. The journal provides a platform for researchers to share their findings with the scientific community, encourages cross-disciplinary discussion and collaboration, and promotes innovative interdisciplinary research in the socio-cultural field.
"Perfect Education Fairy"! We are an ISSN 3024-8183 socio-cultural journal with high editorial standards, which provides a forum for the latest research and findings in various social and cultural aspects. Join our dynamic community and gain access to innovative thinking and the latest solutions in the social and cultural world. "Perfect Education Fairy" - Exploring science, making dreams come true!Call For Reviewer and Editor
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Abstracting and Indexing by: