Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Business, Law, and Education

Integrity Statement
We, the editorial team of the International Journal of Business, Law, and Education, hereby declare that we have taken action to remove three articles published in Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024) of our journal. The three articles that have been removed are as follows:
- Urbanisation in Indonesia: The Relationship between Income Inequality, Urban Infrastructure, Access to Education, and Population Growth with Social Cohesion, Environmental Resilience, and Housing Quality to look at Urbanisation in Indonesia (603 – 614)
This action was taken to ensure the integrity and compliance with our publication policies. We are committed to maintaining quality and ethical standards in every edition of our journal. The Integrity Statement was created as part of the Journal's best practice published in open access.
This statement is made truthfully.
Best regards,