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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Business, Law, and Education
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Business, Law, and Education
Competency of Senior High School Teachers in Assessment and Reporting in Goa District, Philippines
Jimmy III Manigbas, Yumi Vivien V. De Luna
1494 - 1505
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Activities on Adoption of Tissue Culture Banana Seedlings in Tanzania.
Steven Tumaini, Ghahula Raphael, Dr Macha Salvio
1506 - 1520
Status of the Children's Socio-Emotional Well-being Before and During the Pandemic: A Scoping Review
Milojean O. Bagay, Joanne Chris T. Empinado, Kharylle Xyrra A. Lambo, Manuel E. Caingcoy
1521 - 1528
Efforts to Prevent Land Changes Due to Natural Disasters in Tridi Village Malang City
Tanzizal Afuw, Imam Koeswahyono, Hamidi Masykur
1529 - 1542
B2B Marketing Communication Strategies In Increasing Sales: A Systematic Literature Review
Jupensius Rudi, Dimas Hamdan Mubarok, Hasna Hamida Alifia Ar-Rasyi, Wening Patmi Rahayu, Titis Shinta Dewi
1543 - 1550
The Influence of Sustainability Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical Branding, and Green Consumerism on Brand Equity and Market Position in the Fashion Industry
Dudi Permana, Dhiana Ekowati
1551 - 1566
The Influence of Tourism Infrastructure and Online Promotion Of Tourist Visit Intention
Study on the Island of Bali with Tourist Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
Siska Armawati Sufa, Dewi Setiawati, Muhammad Nur Afiat, Syamsu Rijal
1567 - 1576
The Influence of Training and Development Programs, Job Autonomy, and Organizational Culture on Employee Job Satisfaction and Performance
Ita Soegiarto, Mislan Sihite, Paul Usmany
1577 - 1583
Exploring the Relationship between Social Media Engagement, Customer Reviews, and Brand Perceptions: A Comprehensive Study in Retail Industry
Denpharanto Agung Krisprimandoyo, Siska Armawati Sufa, Dini Tri Wardani, Sigit Widiyanto
1584 - 1591
Assessing the Effect of Compensation Packages, Work-Life Balance Policies, and Career Development Opportunities on Employee Retention: A Case Study of MSME Employee
Degdo Suprayitno
1592 - 1561
The Influence of Culinary Diversity and Tourism Events on Tourist Expenditures (Study in Central Lombok Regency with Destination Image as Intervening Variable)
Irra Chrisyanti Dewi, Joko Sulistyo
1562 - 1569
Analysis of Marketing Mix Implementation on Purchasing Decisions for Skintific Skincare Products (Survey of the Community in Jabodetabek)
Muhammad Aria Wahyudi, Sri Mulyono
1570 - 1575
Investigating the Impact of Product Quality, Price Sensitivity, and Brand Reputation on Consumer Purchase Intentions in the FMCG Sector
Nova Christian Mamuaya
1576 - 1583
Social Entrepreneurship and Impact on Community Empowerment in Indonesia's Coastal Areas
Titis Sri Wulan
1584 - 1596
Taxation Policy and Compliance Burden on MSMEs: An In-depth Legal Study in Indonesia
Loso Judijanto
1597 - 1504
Increasing Strategies Sales MSMES Product of XBAG Malang Digitally Through E-Commerce
Buyung Adi Dharma, Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin
1505 – 1512
Effect of Financial Literacy, Capital Capacity, and Network on the Performance of MSMEs in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Yuni Putri Yustisi
1513 - 1523
Analysis of the Impact of Earnings Management and Sustainability Report on Tax Aggressiveness
Rando Winanto, Tejan Dayyan Armazy, Silvi Serawati, Indra Pahala, Puji Wahono
1524 - 1536
School Principals’ Strategies in Improving Primary School Teachers Performance: Literature Review Study
Fadilah Dewi, Maiysaroh Maiysaroh, Aan Fardani Ubaidillah
1537 - 1543
Strategy For Sustainability Of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Trowulan Stone Patterns Based On Swot Analysis
Rachmad Ilham, Madziatul Churiyah
1544 - 1550
Analysis of Training and Work Performance on Career Development and Its Implications on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Police Members of The HR Berau of Gorontalo Police: A Quantitative Analysis
Tomy Pranoyo
1551 - 1565
Digital HR Sustainability Model in Indonesian MSMEs and Employee Performance: Compensation, Leadership and Employee Retention
Putri Ayu Permata Devi
1566 - 1580
The Role Product Innovation on Business Performance Thought Competitive advantage as Mediation Variable
Thusy Tiara Saraswati, Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin
1581 - 1592
Analysis of Strategies in Improving the Quality of Education in the 3T Region
Azzahra Callistadea Valmay, Achmad Supriyanto, Asep Sunandar
1593 - 1600
Optimization of Work Systems and Ergonomics to Improve Comfort and Efficiency Through The Implementation of Energy Management
Adi Widyasmoro, Silvi Agustin, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Zaharuddin Zaharuddin
1601 – 1607
The Influence of Learning Orientation and Human Capital on Absorptive Capacity in SMEs Rattan Cirebon
Aros Anjuziani, Aulia Fatihatus Sa’adah, Oki Putri Sahayani
1608 - 1619
A Systematic Literatur Review: Factors Affecting of Expat Employee Performance
Basuni Basuni, Madziatul Churiyah, Arief Noviarakhman Zagladi
1620 - 1629
The Effect of Digital Marketing on Clothing Sales
Hanif Hanif, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Zaharuddin Zaharuddin, Nadia Rista, Sri Wahyuningsih
1630 - 1635
The Governance of Island Tourism Management Strategies and Sustainable Development Plans, Sumenep, Madura
Slamet Riyadi, Siska Armawati Sufa, Agustiawan Djoko Baruno, Nevrettia Christantyawati, Priyambodo
1636 - 1647
The Effect of Capital Structure, Financial Literacy and Technology Adoption on Financial Reporting Efficiency in the Indonesian Food & Beverage Industry
Stevanus Thanne, Wa Ariadi, Ahadi Rerung
1648 - 1659
The Effect of Capital Structure, Financial Literacy on Financial Reporting Efficiency Mediated by Technology Adoption in the Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia
Deni Iskandar
1660 - 1670
The Role of Weekly One-on-One Meetings for Health Workers in Improving Patient Services in Quality Management
Mohammad Caesario Elnardy, Septi Intan Lestari, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Zaharuddin Zaharuddin
1671 - 1677
Assessing the Influence of Peer Collaboration, Classroom Management, and Assessment Practices on Student Motivation in Secondary Education
Miftachul Amri, Joko Prasetyo, Chandra Halim, Yogi Bagus Adhimas
1678 – 1686
Entrepreneurial Resilience: Strategies for MSMEs to Navigate Uncertainties and Challenges in Contemporary Markets
Made Susilawati
1687 - 1695
Impact of Government Policies on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Comparative Analysis of Developing and Developed Economies
Selly Sipakoly
1696 -1604
Catalyzing Ethical Business Practices: Exploring the Role of Islamic Finance in Contemporary Markets
Sugi Harti
1605 – 1613
Impact of Government Regulations on Small Business Performance: A Comparative Study
Alfrin Ernest M Usmany
1614 - 1623
Human Resource Development Strategy On The Performance Of Grilled Fish UMKM In Tambak Wedi Surabaya : Swot Analysis
Sutomo Sutomo, Madziatul Churiyah
1624 - 1637
From Screen to Table: Understanding Customer Intentions in GrabFood Adoption
Oky Puspita Sandra, Muhammad Dharma Tuah Putra Nasution, Ramadhan Harahap
1638 – 1656
Government Policies and Corporate Social Responsibility: Analyzing the Influence on Organizational Practices and Stakeholder Perceptions
Paul Usmany
1657 - 1666
Strategic Agricultural Policies and Fertilizer Subsidies: Driving Business Success in Cianjur's Rice Sector
Gusti Rusmayadi, Sigit Widiyanto, Dewa Oka Suparwata, Dini Tri Wardani
1667 - 1677
Strategic Management of Tourist Services: Implications for Business Performance and Customer Satisfaction in Komodo National Park
Tono Mahmudin
1678 - 1685
The Influence of Social Capital on Entrepreneurial Success: A Study of Networks and Relationships in MSMEs
Syamsu Rijal, Bekti Utomo, Rahmat Ramdhani
1686 - 1696
The Impact of Gamification on Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Mathematics Education
Maryana Maryana, Chandra Halim, Hanifatul Rahmi
1697 - 1608
Sustainability Practices in Small Business Ventures: Assessing the Integration of Environmental and Social Responsibility in Entrepreneurial Ventures
M Asbullah, Budi Akhmad Tarigan
1609 - 1619
Trends in Dynamic Capabilities Analysis in Management Literature: A Bibliometric Review
Emir Hirzi Al Akbar, Yusuf Iskandar
1620 - 1632
Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Business Capital on the Financial Performance of MSMEs in Indonesia
Hilda Yuliastuti, Johni Eka Putra, Bekti Utomo
1633 - 1645
The Effect of Work-Life Balance, Internal Communication, and Rewards on Employee Engagement and Employee Performance: A Study on Generation Z
Ni Komang Ayu Diah Ambalika, Hurul A'ini Sekar Azzahra, Putu Laksmita Dewi Rahmayanti, I Gusti Ayu Tara Laksemiyasa Ditha
1646 - 1654
E-Banking Technology: A Comprehensive Study on Customer Satisfaction and Bank Services
Cynthia Sari Dewi, Zulkifli
1655 - 1665
Legal Protection of Famous Foreign Brands on Goods with Brand Dilution Which are Sold and Buyed in E-Commerce
Yenny Laidy, Kartina Pakpahan, Sonya Airini Batubara
1666 - 1671
SWOT Analysis of Business Opportunities in Msmes in Balikpapan City
1672 - 1680
Influence of Supply Chain Integration, Information Sharing, and Supplier Relationships on Operational Efficiency of Manufacturing Companies
Arie Wahyu Prananta, Khoirul Hidayat
1681 - 1688
The Influence of Perceived Convenience, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived Risk on the Use Of QRIS to Increase MSMEs Income
Indah Fauziah, Dini Yuliyanti, Nida Syarofatul Maula, Rina Destiana
1689 - 1701
How to Improve Sustainability Performance Through Human Resource Management and green Supply Chain Management Strategies in the industrial Manufacturing Sector
Febrisi Dwita, Supardi, Adrianus Trigunadi Santoso, Christopher Dexon
1702 - 1715
The Influence of Viral Marketing and Price on Purchasing Decisions Through Customer Trust: Case Study of the Skincare Brand Skintific
Natasya Wulandari, Willy Arafah
1716 - 1728
Dispute Resolution Between Transportation Carrier/Freight Forwarder Services and Exporters Regarding Damage to Goods/Cargo by Sea Line in Medan
Fiona Audrey, Kartina Pakpahan, Said Rizal
1729 - 1735
The Impact of Leadership Style, Employee Motivation, and Organizational Culture on Job Performance of Start-Up Employee
Mislan Sihite, Ita Soegiarto, Makrifatul Ilmi, Ilham
1736 - 1749
Role of Financial Literacy, Risk Perception, and Investment Experience in Investment Decisions of Millenial and Z Generation in Jabodetabek
Shofia Asry, Julinta Paulina, Budi Akhmad Tarigan, Ade Onny Siagian
1750 - 1761
Legal Entity Status of Individual Companies Which no Longer Meet the Criteria for Micro and Small Enterprises
Aninda Rehani Prasistanti, Sihabudin, Fathul Laila
1762 - 1770
Constitutional Responsibility for Regulating Food Sovereignty
Fahrur Rozi, Muchamad Ali Safa’at, Istislam Istislam
1771 – 1779
Legality of Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia: Legal Review, Implementation Management, and Psychological Impact on Families
Hasanudin, Laesti Nurishlah, Dudi Badruzaman, Mohamad Yudiyanto, Misella Alputri
1780 - 1787
The Role of Mediators in Assisting in Settlement Civil Cases in Court
Yahya Abdul Habib, Dadang Supriyatna
1788 - 1798
Supervision of Goods Resulting from Trade With Non-Trade Online Deposit Business Activities (Permenkeu No. 96 of 2023)
Ervina, Kartina Pakpahan, Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan
1799 - 1805
Forward Contract Hedging Analysis as a Protection Effort Transaction Exposure
(Case Study at PT. Akasha Wira International, Tbk)
Cinde Ririh Windayu
1806 - 1811
Effects of Financial Incentives, Performance Appraisal, and Employee Recognition on Work Motivation of Start-Up Employee
Mariana Diah Puspitasari
1812 - 1823
Sworn Sign Language Interpreters Provision for Deaf People Appearing before Notary Based on Justice Principle
Elvaretha Natalia Kurniawan, Amelia Sri Kusuma Dewi, Hariyanto Susilo
1824 - 1833
Factor Affecting Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Employee Performance in Banking Sector
Firman Budianto, Desi Tri Kurniawati
1834 - 1847
Criminal Liability of a Notary for Violation of The Principle of Precaution
Study Decision Number 88/PID.B/2022/PN MLG
Riski Diana Sari, Prija Djatmika, Endang Sri Kawuryan
1848 - 1861
PPAT as the Reporting Party for Suspicious Financial Transactions Post Government Regulation Number 43 of 2015
Tasya Anggraini, Abdul Madjid, Dyah Widhiawati
1862 - 1869
A Neural Network Analysis of Accounting Variables and Stock Price
The Case of Real Estate Companies in the Philippines
Christhoffer Lelis, Neil Patrick S. Muega
1870 - 1879
The Influence of Growth Mindset, Product Innovation, and Social Media Utilization on Business Development with Social Support as a Mediating Variable in MSMEs in Lalabata Village, Soppeng Regency
Mustari, Syamsu Rijal, A. Dhiya Iradah Amri, Muhammad Ihsan Said Ahmad, Nur Arisah
1880 - 1892
Juridical Analysis of the Comparison of Different Religious Marriage Laws Based on the Adminduk Law Article 35 with SEMA No 2 Years 2023 Concerning Marriage Registration
Sahala Lumbantoruan, Ok Isnainul, Rodiatun Adawiyah
1893 - 1901
Legal Protection of Registered Marks given Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Brands and Geographical Indications
Yahya Abdul Habib, Nurwati
1902 - 1909
ImplementationOf Dispute Resolutionin the Field Copyright Upon Signing of the Beijing Treaty
Steven Stanley Tohres, Heriyanti, Kartina Pakpahan
1910 - 1922
Effects of Leadership Development Programs, Mentorship, and Employee Empowerment on Organizational Performance
Ita Soegiarto, May Vitha Rahmadhani, Nur Jihan Ainul Arifah, Ilham
1923 – 1937
Legal Protection of Persons with Hearing Disabilities Associated with the Obligation to Read Deeds (Verlijden) For Notaries in Making Notarial Deeds
Rahmatulloh, Herlindah, Arini Jauharoh
1938 - 1947
How Competence, Motivation, and Job Satisfaction Drive Employee Performance
Muh. Syarif, Muhammad Nasir, Rina
1948 - 1956
Factor Influencing Purchase Intention among Indonesian towards Yogyakarta Fashion Product via Digital Marketing
Farahiyah Inarah Putri, Rosita Mohd. Tajuddin, Liza Marziana Binti Mohammad Noh
1957 - 1965
Green Finance: Evaluating the Impact of Sustainable Investments on Corporate Performance of Islamic Bank in Indonesia
Gustina Hidayat, Kisthi Hanila Dewi, Ahmad Nur Budi Utama, Hilyati Zikriani
1966 - 1977
Content Creator Legal Protection of The Copyrights of Content Reuploaded by Other Parties for Commercial Purposes
Carissa Fayola, Roswita Sitompul, OK Isnainul
1978 - 1984
Implementation of Religious Habituation to Build Students' Character At Al Azhar High School Gandusari – Trenggalek
Alfi Fua’adah
1985 - 1991
The Relationship Between Employee Training, Career Development, and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of Medium Scale Enterprise in Bandung City
Syamsu Rijal, Revi Sesario
1992 - 2002
Influence of Digital Marketing, Consumer Trust, and Brand Loyalty on Purchase Intention (Case Study of Green Product Consumers)
Eva Desembrianita, Sri Mulyono, Wira Pramana Putra, Tarjono
2003 - 2015
Implementation of the Baduy Tribe's Inheritance System in Kanekes Village, Leuwidamar District, Lebak Regency, Banten Province
Edwin Maganda, Roswita Sitompul, Said Rizal
2016 - 2025
Legal Implications on the Status of Individual Companies of Shares Inheritable to Foreign Heirs
Nanda Melinia Safitri, Budi Santoso, R. Imam Rahmat Syafi'i
2026 - 2035
Brand Experience and Service Quality: Key Drivers of Customer Satisfaction in Gojek Apps
Tasya Septia Ningsih, Muhammad Dharma Tuah Putra Nasution, Wilchan Robain
2036 - 2047
Implementation of Land Revenue for The Construction of Toll Road from Pandaan to Malang
Moch.Yuris Wicaksono, Abdul Rokhim, Moh. Muhibbin, Patthara Limsira
2048 – 2057
Research Capability of Doctoral Students in Utilizing Multivariate Statistics, Writing Research Proposal and Publishable Paper
Manuel Caingcoy
2058 - 2068
Evaluation of Budget Management and Financial Performance of Tambrauw Regency, Southwest Papua
Ridwan, Milka Pasulu , Azhary Ismail
2069 - 2081
Analysis of Talent Management, Career Development, and Knowledge Management on Employee Performance
Literature Review
Muhammad Vicky Zulfikar
2082 - 2099
Legal Study of the Legality of the Palm Oil Rejuvenation Program Regarding the Completeness and Correctness of the Proposal Documents Regulated by Ministerial Regulation No. 19 Of 2023 Amendment to Ministerial Regulation No. 3 Of 2022
Hans Ivander Antonio, Kartina Pakpahan, OK Isnainul
2100 - 2108
Application of the Principle of Good Faith in the Implementation of Trademark Registration in Indonesia Based on the Supreme Court Decision Number 1051 K / PDT. SUS-HKI / 2023
Annisa Wijayanti Winarsoputri, Abdul Rokhim, Diyan Isnaeni
2109 - 2124
The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Brand Image, and Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Le Minerale Consumers
Rendro Laksmono, Kusna Djati Purnama
2125 - 2137
The Role of Brand Awareness, Advertising Effectiveness, and Pricing Strategies on Market Share of Green Products
Zainal Abidin, Feliks Anggia Binsar Kristian Panjaitan
2138 - 2148
Time Limit Exception Provisions for Heirs of Auction Buyers in Voluntary Auctions of Immovable Property
Almira Thalysa Ismawan, Sihabudin, Rino Arief Rachman
2149 - 2157
The Impact of Online Satisfaction and Trust in Building Loyalty
Study on Indonesia E-Commerce Customers
Erna Fitri Komariyah
2158 - 2164
Impact of Technological Adoption, Innovation Management, and Market Demand on Competitive Advantage
Camelia Safitri, Mira Miranda
2165 - 2176
The Right of Management Originating from Indigenous People Ulayat Land: Determinant of Solution
Gheovani Abdul Aziz, Suhariningsih, Endang Sri Kawuryan
2177 - 2184
The Influence of Work Family Conflict and Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variable
Abidatur Rosyida, Sopiah Sopiah, Madziatul Churiyah
2185 - 2201
Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Mobile Banking: a PLS Analysis of DG Bankaltimtara Application Users
Sisca Santika, Habibah Putri Shafar, Hendra Sanjaya Kusno
2202 - 2212
Fraud Management Model and Forensic Accounting – A Systematic Literature Review
Deri Firmansyah; Asep Suryana; Dwinanto Priyo Susetyo; M. Yani Syafei
2213 - 2234
The Mediating Role of Work Discipline on The Effect of Leadership and Work Ethic to Employee Performance in Universitas Advent Indonesia
Harman Malau, Juninetenth Keeply F Sitanggang
2235 - 2249
The Effect of Changes in VAT Rates and Company Risks on Tax Avoidance in Coal Mining Companies
Iren Meita, Dade Nurdiniah
2250 - 2258
The Impact of Women Leadership and Decision-Making on Employee Performance with Servant Leadership Style as a Moderating Variable
Anita Novialumi, Kristiana Widiawati, Esah Maisaroh
2259 - 2271
Comparative Study of Legal Regulations on Cannabis in the Netherlands with Indonesia
Muh Irham Rais, Faizin Sulistyo, Patricia Audrey Ruslijanto
2272 - 2278
Economic Analysis of Law in Increasing Value Added Tax Rate Policy
Nabiela Azhariani Fitri, Thohir Luth, Siti Hamidah
2279 - 2292
Legal Review of the Criminal Act of Human Trafficking of Minors
Grace Margaretha Br Panggabean, Sri Sulistyawati, Aida Ardini
2293 - 2299
Problems of Appointing Party Leaders as State Ministers in the Indonesian Constitutional System
Moch Radytia
2300 - 2313
The Influence of Digital Platform Quality and Security on Decision and Satisfaction through Trust in the DANA Digital Wallet
Ernie Mardiany Djaenudin, Sugeng Lubar Prastowo
2314 - 2323
Evaluation of Environmental Education Learning in the Era of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
Syaifudin, Agung Purwanto, Budiaman
2324 - 2336
The Influence of Leadership Style on Ecological Behavior Mediated by Persistence and Integrity on the State Civil Apparatus of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Jakarta
Taufik Hendayana, Agung Purwanto, Hafid Abbas
2337 - 2348
Measuring Well-Being Index with Environmental in Mind: Evidence Forest Land Use in Indonesia
Krismanti Tri Wahyuni, Agung Purwanto, Bagus Sumargo, Agnes Vera Yanti Sitorus, Robert Kurniawan, Yoga Dwi Nugroho, Syaifudin
2349 - 2371
Prevention of Online Gambling Crime as an Effort to Protect Children in Indonesia from the Perspective of Criminology
Michelia Zahra Islami, Abdul Madjid, Dhia Al-Uyun
2372 - 2381
Legal Review of Procedures for Granting Rock Mining Business Permits
Cindy Cynthia Leoni, Roswita Sitompul, Kartina Pakpahan
2382 - 2393
Impact of Financial Literacy, Risk Tolerance, Usefulness Perception, and Trust Perception on Financial Decision of MSMEs in West Java
Aa Kartiwa, Gustina Hidayat, Zeanette T Lisbet, Ade Onny Siagian
2394 - 2404
Impact of Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction, and Stress Levels on Employee Retention in Banking Sector Companies
Mety Titin Herawaty, Iwan Asmadi, Eneng Iviq Hairo Rahayu, Zahra Zahra
2405 - 2417
The Authority of the Constitutional Court in Reviewing International Agreements : Case of ASEAN Charter Review
Putu Pipit Pricellia Eka Putri, Elisabeth Lue, Rainhard Florian Atalo
2418 - 2424
Implementation Execution Decision Court Industrial Relations Bandung Dispute over Termination of Employment Through Bankruptcy
Richart Sahatatua , Teuku Syahrul Ansari , I Ketut Astawa , Ade Maman Suherman, Dessy Asihany Pakpahan , Revelation of Donri Tinambunan , Imam Budi Santoso, Aslan Noor, Edison Jaya Pakpahan , Eka Florida Elyzabeth, Try Setiady
2425 - 2432
How Entrepreneurial Mindset, Gender Stereotypes, and Innovation Practices Influence the Sustainability of Women-Owned Businesses in Bogor City, Indonesia
Nur Hakim, Haruni Ode, May Vitha Rahmadhani, Sidrotun Naim
2433 - 2444
Transforming Workforce Dynamics: The Role of Remote Work Flexibility, Technological Adoption, and Employee Wellbeing on Productivity of State Owned Enterprise Employee
Asriandi, Gabriel Amadeus Sitompul, Joko Sangaji
2445 - 2457
How Fintech Adoption, Digital Payment Systems, and Consumer Trust Shape Financial Performance of MSMEs
Nurchayati, Rini Ariyanti, Ita Marianingsih
2458 - 2469
The Nexus Between Data-Driven Decision-Making, Market Responsiveness, and Strategic Alliances in Boosting Business Growth of Start-Up Companies
Zeanette T Lisbet, Fachmi Al Faroqi, Feby Evelyna, Donny Juliandri Prihadi
2470 - 2482
Strategic Convergence: How Knowledge Sharing, Cross-Functional Collaboration, and Adaptive Leadership Drive Innovation Success
Tobari, Maftuhah Dewi, Sidrotun Naim, Siti Nur Azizah
2483 - 2494
Law Enforcement on Fishery: Prohibition of Trawl Nets as an Effort to Protect Small Fisherman Fairly
Hendra Yudha Ardhiansyah, Slamet Suhartono, Yovita Arie Mangesti
2495 - 2505
The Analysis of Financial Rewards on Employee Engagement in the Public Sector: Cross-Cultural as a Moderating Variables
Dickson Mdhlalose
2506 - 2519
Constitutional Review of ASEAN Charter and Maastricht Treaty
A Comparison of Indonesia and France
Muhammad Ariff Dwi Prastyo, Albiruwahidhan Cahayarizputra, Daniel Osckardo
2520 - 2529
Analysis of the Kampus Mengajar Program Cohort 7 on the Improvement of Literacy and Numeracy Abilities of Students at SD Negeri 1 Margototo
Wiwin Rita Sari, Astri Setyawati, Dwilita Astuti
2530 - 2537
Impact of Stress and Depression on the Mental Health of in-school Adolescents’ in Ondo State, Nigeria
Ojewola, Florence Olubunmi , TOSIN EMMANUEL AKINDUYO, Makinwa, Victoria Idowu, N.P.M. Mabaso
2538 - 2548
The Impact of Service Quality, Pricing Strategies, User Trust, and Technological Innovation in Indonesia's Online Transportation Services Industry
Rahmat Taufiur Rahman, Anisa Bahar, Arie Wahyu Prananta, Moch Afifudin
2549 - 2561
Mobile App Usability, Data Privacy, Brand Loyalty, and Customer Retention in Indonesia's Online Transportation Services Industry
Anisa Bahar, Arie Wahyu Prananta, Moch Afifudin, Rahmat Taufikur Rahman
2562 - 2572
Analyzing the Effects of Platform Reliability, Response Time, Safety Features, and User Experiences, on Customer Loyalty in Industrial Online Transportation Service in Indonesia
Arie Wahyu Prananta, Moch Afifudin, Rahmat Taufikur Rahman, Anisa Bahar
2573 - 2583
Driver Safety Protocols, Emergency Response Systems, Insurance Coverage, and Customer Feedback on Service Quality in Indonesia's ride-hailing industry
Moch Afifudin, Rahmat Taufikur Rahman, Anisa Bahar, Arie Wahyu Prananta
2584 - 2595
The Urgency of Human Rights Protection in the Digital Age in the Perspective of Data Security and Privacy
2596 - 2600
The Influence of Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance of DPMD Malang Regency
Juwita Wulandari, Sri Wilujeng, Arien Anjar
2601 - 2608
Juridical Review of The Amount of Administrative Sanctions in the Form of Interest and Interest Rewards PP No 35 of 2023
Clarisa Adelia Tanry, Kartina Pakpahan, Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan
2609 - 2616
Analysis of the Mediation Effect of Green Competitive Advantage: Reviewing the Influence of Green Innovation on SMEs' Business Performance
Acai Sudirman, Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, Fitria Halim, Lenny Dermawan Sembiring
2617 - 2627
The Influence of Ethical Leadership on Employee Engagement: Analyzing the Role of Work-Life Balance as a Mediating Variable
Marto Silalahi, Reina A. Hadikusumo, Sudung Simatupang, Hendrick Sasimtan Putra, Acai Sudirman
2628 - 2639
The Effect of Marketing Strategies, Consumer Behavior, and Brand Equity on Business Expansion in the Retail Sector
Jacsy Tubalawony
2640 - 2650
Exploring the Influence of Digital Transformation, Change Management, and Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance of Non Profit Organization in Indonesia
Imas Komariyah, Resty Ismawanti
2651 - 2662
Employee Engagement in the Creative Industry Sector of North Sumatra: Analyzing Work-Life Balance Stimulants and Perceived Organizational Support
Kevin Indajang, Melkyory Andronicus, Lenny Dermawan Sembiring, Marthin Hutler Ambarita, Acai Sudirman
2663 - 2673
Analysis of the Influence of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Professional and Non-Professional Staff in Hospitals
Efendi, Liper Siregar, Anju Bherna D. Nainggolan, Sherly, Acai Sudirman
2674 - 2682
The Effect of Working Capital Management, Operational Efficiency, and Profitability on Financial Sustainability of SMEs
Nekky Rahmiyati, Eha Hasni Wahidhani, Dwi Fitrianingsih, Titiek Rachmawati
2683 - 2693
The Impact of Financial Technology and Virtual Customer Service on Customer Satisfaction
Theresia Mentari, Ricky Yunisar Setiawan, Nuraini Ulya Wiriatmaja, Joseph Reynaldo Hutauruk, Ahmad Rafli Muhyiansyah, Nita Rahman
2694 - 2614
Human Capital Performance in Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia: Analysis of the Influence of Team Work Management and Work satisfaction
Robert Tua Siregar, Hendrick Pantas, Acai Sudirman
2615 -2624
Analysis of Financial Statements in Assessing the Financial Performance of the North Sumatra Provincial Government
Junita Hutagaol; Irawan
2625 - 2639
The Impact of Teaching Style and Course Structure on Intermediate Accounting Students Understanding
Triadi Agung Sudarto, Dodik Juliardi
2640 - 2646
The Role of Trust as a Mediator in Enhancing Purchase Decisions for iPhone
Sugeng Lubar Prastowo, Bobur Sobirov, Kalyca Shafhah Suci Alunis, Aulia Miftah Az-Zahra, Aurisa Syahira
2647 - 2662
The Role of Ethical Leadership, Corporate Culture, Employee Empowerment, and Organizational Commitment on Employee Productivity: Case Study of State Owned Enterprise Employee
Ahmad Prayudi, Badewin, Muhammad Machdie, Arifansyah
2663 - 2674
The Influence of Financial Literacy, Budgetary Control, and Strategic Planning on Business Success of Startups in Indonesia
DR. Hj Rizyana Mirda, SE. MM, Pipit Novila Sari, SE., MM, Dheo Rimbano
2675 - 2687
The Role of Teacher Strategies in Increasing Student Motivation in Aqidah Akhlak Subjects
Asriani, Abdul Halik, Buhaera, Marhani, St Nurhayati
2688 - 2695
Impact of Attitudes and Social Norms on AQUA Purchase Decisions: The Role of Buying Intent in Jabodetabek
Fitri Afrina, Fendi Saputra
2696 - 2706
Optimizing Employee Performance in Retail Companies: The Interplay of Adversity Intelligence, Digital Literacy, and Job Satisfaction
Fajri Hamdani
2707 - 2713
Legal Protection Of Indonesian Migrant Workers In Malaysia From The International Labor Organization (ILO) Perspective
Yahya Abdul Habib, Martin Roestamy, Endeh Suhartini
2714 - 2731
Criminological Review of Domestic Violence Against Wife
Case Study of Boalemo Police Station
Risma Bakue, Sri Rahayu Lestari Pade, Karlin Z. Mamu, Endah Rizki Ekwanto
2732 - 2739
The Effect of Compensation, Organizational Commitment on Employe Performance Through Organizational Behaviour as Intervening
Anna Maria, Jeanne Francoise Cen Pujianto
2740 - 2753
Implementation of Regulatory Policy on the Control of Shadow Terminals as an Effort to Improve Transport Services in Palopo City
Ilyas, Jamal Qadar, Ikram
2754 - 2765
Green Finance Revolution: Investigating the Role of Sustainable Investments in Driving Corporate Profitability in Indonesia
Chairil Afandy
2765 - 2777
The Role of Digital Marketing Strategies in Enhancing Customer Engagement and Brand Loyalty: A Study of E-Commerce Platforms
Armein Sjuhary Rowi, Muhammad Aria Wahyudi, Teddy Oswari, Bambang Purwoko
2778 - 2788
Case Study on Public Service Responsibility Implementation in Surabaya via the Broadband Learning Centre Programme
Akhmad Riduan, Tito Rachmanto, Garry Brumadyadisty, Siska Armawati Sufa, M. Arfani
2789 - 2805
The Role of Brand Equity, Digital Marketing, Customer Experience, and Social Media Engagement on Consumer Purchase Intention on Tiktok Shop Application
Ira Wahyuni, Rully Arifiansyah, Evi Meidasari M, Isna Siskawati
2806 - 2815
The Relationship Between Customer Perceived Value, Service Quality, Brand Trust, and Customer Retention in the Retail Industry
Ira Wahyuni, Daru Putri Kusumaningtyas, Hakkul Bahiz Mahdani, Daniel Pungkas Prastia Wibowo
2816 - 2826
Pricing Strategy and Service Quality Improvement to Optimize Customer Satisfaction: a Systematic Literature Review
Muhammad Naufal Noorsyah, Aristanti Widyaningsih, Denny Andriana
2827 - 2837
Corporate Governance and Financial Transparency: A Legal Perpective on Reducing Fraud in Global Financial Markets
Ahmad Nur Budi Utama, Bambang Purwoko
2838 - 2848
Digital Transformation: Opening Up Economic Opportunities in The Digital Era
Tomy Saladin, Sitti Faoziyah
2849 - 2855
Influence of Financial Literacy, Herding Behavior, and Risk Perception on Financial Behavior: Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
Gustina Hidayat, Mokhamad Anwar, Azhar Affandi
2856 - 2865
Employee Engagement, Employee Satisfaction, and Employee Empowerment and Their Influence on Productivity in MSMEs
Mislan Sihite, Sri Meike Jusup, Rachmad Ilham, Tri Widayati
2866 - 2875
Rethinking Concepts of De-Radicalization: an Effort to Mitigate Radicalism Through Education
Aniek Handajani
2876 - 2891
Sustainable Investment Strategies: An Analyzing the Interplay Between ESG Ratings, Dividend Policy, Financial Performance, and Investor Trust
Pandef Rudianto, Darmono, Arif Jauhar Tontowi
2892 - 2901
The Influence of Government Supervision and SAKIP to Implementation Good Governance in Ditjen Binwasnaker & K3 Kementrian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia
Bagus Kuncoro, Rahima Purba, Renny Maisyarah
2902 - 2917
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